School of Law

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School of Law

University of Marlyne’s School of Law program is a challenging and intellectually stimulating way of preparing students to be an effective member of the legal profession, whether as a practicing attorney, member of the judiciary, legal professional in public service, business, or education. The University of Marlyne School of Law offers every student vast opportunities to become grounded in the fundamentals of the law. The advantage here is that the University of Marlyne School of Law curriculum does not direct students to specific study of legal rules of any particular jurisdiction and discussions are based on national materials and casebooks.

Academic Degree Programs:

  • Associate of Arts Degree in Paralegal Studies
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Master of Laws
  • Master of Arts in Legal Studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Law

Faculty Details:

  • Dr. Peltier W. Richard
  • Dr. Tarek Abdelrahman
  • Dr. Fortin Marie Josee
  • Dr. Khalil El-Khatib
  • Dr. Alyson King
  • Dr. Miguel Vargas Martin
  • Dr. Andrea Slane
  • Dr. Majed Mohsen Salman
  • Dr. Fadhil Yousif Almayali

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